In order to solve real-world problems, WUST has established strong linkages with the industry and the government. It engages over 30 large enterprises such as: China Baowu Steel, Evergrande, An Steel, Liu Steel, China First Metallurgical, WISDRI Engineering and Research, etc. A commendable outcome of this synergetic relationship is the birth of the WUST Baowu-Research Center for Engineering in Carbon Materials, WUST-Yixing Research Institute for Ceramic and Refractories, and WUST Evergrande School of Management. The city governments in China that WUST partners include Yichang, Xiaogan, Huanggang, Suizhou in Hubei Province and Zhanjiang in Guangdong Province, among others.

Collaborative Innovation Center of Steel Technology

Collaborative Innovation Center of High-performance Steel Materials and their Applications

Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center of Vanadium Resources Efficient Use

Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Intelligent Manufacturing Equipment (Participation)

Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center of Auto Parts Technology(Participation)

Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Urban and Rural Community Social Management (Participation)

Safety Early Warning and Emergency Linkage Technology (Participation)

Research Institute of Ceramics and Refractory Cooperated between WUST and Yixing Municipal Government

Engineering Research Institute of Refractory Cooperated between WUST and Zibo City

Institute of Science and Technology Cooperated between WUST and Laohekou City

Institute of Science and Technology Coperated between WUST and Xiangzhou District

Joint Engineering Research Center of Carbon Materials between WUST and Baowu Group



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