WUST Held an Online Signing Ceremony for Its Official Cooperation with the University of Applied Management From Germany

Editors:英文主站Release time:2022-06-17Clicks:10

WUST News On May 25, WUST held an online video signing ceremony for its official cooperation with the University of Applied Management (UAM) from Germany to promote the cooperation between the two sides.

The participants included president of the University of Applied Management Christian Werner, general assistant to the president Christina Messic, head of international projects Zhang Yuting, president of WUST Ni Hongwei, vice president of WUST Liu Jing, executive dean of Undergraduate School Ding Yu, director of the Office of International Relations Xiao Qiaoning, and deputy director of the Office of International Relations Yang Xi.

At the ceremony, Ni Hongwei said that 2022 marks the 50th anniversary for the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Germany, and WUST attaches great importance to the cooperation and exchange with the University of Applied Management. WUST hopes that the signing will contribute to promoting the comprehensive cooperation between the two sides in faculty members, students, scientific research and Chinese-foreign cooperation in runnin schools..

Liu Jing briefed guests the history and results of cooperation and exchange in education between WUST and its peers in Germany. She also added that the two sides have witnessed rapid progress on the cooperation. WUST will focus on promoting bilateral cooperation and exchange, especially the cooperation in running Chinese-foreign education institutions and projects, and will spare no effort in pushing forward the communication between students and teachers from both universities.

Christian Werner introduced in detail the scientific research, teaching, and campus of UAM. He visited China frequently over the past 20 years and loves the environment and food culture in China. He noted that China and Germany are two major countries on the planet in terms of economy and culture. Since China and Germany established their diplomatic relations 50 years ago, the two countries have always cooperated closely. In the future, the two universities will maintain cooperation to provide better development and prospects for students from both sides.

Located in Munich, the capital of Bavaria, UAM is the largest private university in Bavaria accredited by the German government. It is also the only application-oriented university named after management and applied technology in Germany, which has 13 campuses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. UAM offers more than 60 majors for undergraduates and graduates, including Intelligent Business, Intelligent Manufacturing, Big Data, Virtual Reality, Industrial Engineering and Architectural Engineering at the School of Management, School of Sports, School of Engineering, School of Psychology, School of Music, School of Law, and School of Information. UAM has over 500 full-time professors and around 4,000 students. UAM is accredited by the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA), the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), the Standards for Construction and Development of University Majors by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education (KMK), and the Academic Institution of the German Council of Science and Humanities.

(Office of International Relations)



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